Monday, February 24, 2020

Where Im writting from by Dereck Owens Assignment

Where Im writting from by Dereck Owens - Assignment Example Owens description of Lake Ronkonkoma initiates from the detail he goes into regarding the formulation of the lake, which was mainly from a mile high glacier called the Wisconsinan that bulldozed its way and reached Brookhaven after passing through Canada and New England. Warmer climates caused glaciers such as these to melt and retreat leaving behind detritus that geologists now call Ronkonkoma Terminal Moraine. This was how Lake Ronkonkoma, the freshwater lake came into being. Furthermore Owen describes Lake Ronkonkoma today as a working and middle class suburb, indistinguishable from a hundred other suburbs on the island; most of which spill into each other so that their boundaries seem visually intertwined due to no prominent sense of ‘village limits’. Therefore ones sense of boundaries comes not from any visual sense but from proximity to highways and strip malls. The Long Island Expressway that is located five blocks away from Owens house and he describes it as comp rising of a service road that incorporates 24/7 traffic with its extended HOV lanes so as to accommodate the rapidly growing and close to overflowing ‘high occupancy vehicles’. The detail with which Owen describes the Long Island Expressway is by looking at the HOV Lanes from the Ronkonkoma Avenue overpass located about 45 miles from Manhattan.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Reflelction paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Reflelction paper - Essay Example As a citizen I feel less than nationalistic towards any form of government. I see myself as a citizen of Earth not a particular nation. As a worker I am honest. I may procrastinate and deviate from social norms but I still do what I need to get done. My role as a leisure user is important to me. I throw myself into all visual forms of art and literature and I practice very hard to perfect my skills. As a learner I am always there. I will never stop learning new things as each day passes by and for every new thing I learn will add to my well of wisdom. As myself I value my individuality highly, which is normal for an INTP. I refer to myself as an enlightened anarchist. I do not care what others think about me or what they do as long as it does not affect others in a negative way. I believe my self-esteem is average. I do not over-estimate my value though I am proud. I do not mind using myself as the butt of a joke nor am I quick to criticize others. If I would change something about m y self-confidence it would be my notorious shyness when it comes to meeting new people. My timidity tends to lock me up when I’m surrounded by new faces. I also find it hard to make conversations with others without being introduced to them. Most of my friends are there because they came to me. When I break out of my shell it is when people realize that I am not as innocent or quiet as they initially thought. They tend to think of me as crude but at least I am not hiding behind a shell like most people do. When it comes to being a worker, I believe that is where my weakness lies. I would like to able to enjoy work instead of despise it. I do not want to feel like a serf to some sleaze who is sipping coconut drinks all day on the beach while many others barely have enough money to put food in their stomachs. I know this is a very pessimistic view and that I need to change it. But I feel that society has been brainwashed into wanting to live inside of a golden cage. 2. There ar e different levels of loving, among them: passion, romantic and consummate forms of love. Passionate loving means an intense sexual desire for the object of desire. The main core of this relationship can be purely physical, meeting one’s sexual needs at the most. Many people derive happiness when their sexual needs are met regardless if there’s a commitment or none. Passion can happen between two strangers such as a one-night stand where both parties feel a burning desire to have sexual relations. After passion has been consumed, a partner can simply forget the event since there are no strings attached or what we call â€Å"commitment†. Passion is also possible between two people who truly love each other like couples in a marriage. Romantic love is more on developing intimacy and passion but with no commitment. Most young people feel these nowadays thinking that emotional commitment and making their other person happy is enough to sustain a solid relationship. Although some relationships can begin this way, many relationships also fail after this stage. When a relationship is tested by adversity, partners who are not willing to commit would just abandon the romantic relationship. Consummate love includes all three levels of loving: intimacy, passion and commitment. Solid marriages are often characterized by consummate love because the partners were able to balance the three levels. The attributes that the relationship must have to become consummate are the following: transparency, trust, compassion,